South Shields Local History Group

Under Construction


16/09/2024 Bill Greenwell: The Villainous Vicar of St Marks
21/10/2024 Pete Hampson: South Shields Branch of the Union of GMW
18/11/2024 Jeff Hughes: Seven ages of Christmas
09/12/2024 Christmas Party & Quiz. The Old Ship Inn Harton

20/01/2025 Film Night
17/02/2025 Heike Picher: Geordie Dialect; can it survive?
17/03/2025 Nina Brown: That’s Woman’s Work
28/04/2025 Margaret Hadley: Women in Victorian Pit Villages
19/05/2025 Susan Lynn: Press Gangs
16/06/2025 AGM & Jean Stokes The Ernest Lewthwaite Memorial Talk: The Nook

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