Information from South Tyneside Council’s website:
Local List A to Z – South Tyneside Council
Adam and Eve Public House, Frederick Street, South Shields
The Adam and Eve first opened in 1827 according to the Licensing Register, with John Rowell as the first licensee. From 1855 to 1865 John Janson was the Licensee and his name is on the 1860s photo. This part of the pub was rebuilt in 1868 and the left-hand side opened in 1878, built by FM Laing and originally used as a shop and a house. The date 1878 is clearly visible on the left-hand side of the pub. It became a Samuel Smiths pub in 1944 and closed in September 2020.

Al-Azhar Mosque, Laygate, South Shields
The Al-Azhar Mosque was built in 1971 to satisfy the religious needs of South Shields’ established Yemeni community. Although some may consider the architecture somewhat ‘underwhelming’ compared to others in the Islamic world, this little mosque was put firmly on the map in 1977 when boxing legend Mohammad Ali visited Al Azhar to worship and to have his marriage blessed by the local Imam. The event is covered by a film ‘The King of South Shields’. In 2008 South Shields filmmaker Tina Gharavi arranged for a plaque to mark Ali’s visit. The Yemeni Arab community in South Shields dates back to at least 1890, with the arrival of seamen such as engine room firemen, serving British merchant vessels. Similar communities were founded in Hull, Liverpool and Cardiff. South Shields is one of the oldest existing integrated Muslim communities in Britain. Today the Yemeni population numbers about 1000.

All Saints Church, Boldon Lane, West Harton
All Saint’s Church is an outgrowth of Harton Church, granted by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in the early 1880’s at an estimated cost of £3,000. Built from 1887-90 by architect C. Hodgson Fowler. The consecration of the Church, a handsome structure in the Early English Style, with accommodation for 400 worshippers, took place on June 16, 1890. The east window is filled with stained glass given by parishioners and friends in memory of the Rev A. A. Phillpotts, who made the original application for the Church.

Bethesda Free Church, Victoria Road, South Shields
Designed by the architect T.A. Page of King Street and built by Mr J. Robson of Ocean Road for the United Methodist Free Church, a combination of Wesleyan Reformers and the Wesleyan Methodists Association costing £2000. Western half is brick, eastern half is rendered and pebble-dashed. Battlemented ‘tower’ over arched doorway. Geometric window in gable with stained glass. Simple arched windows in side elevation. The foundation stone was laid in 1868 by the Mayoress Mrs J.C. Stevenson and could seat 500 people. During the ceremony a bottle was placed in the cavity of the stone containing a likeness of the Rev. J. Everett (the head of the circuit) and an assortment of other items; the names of contemporary ministers of the circuit, members of the Annual Assembly, minutes of the day’s proceedings, names of the Trustees, names of the architect and builder, copies of the day’s national and local newspapers, a few coins of the present reign. Became the Bethesda Free Church from 1904. This was a Free Church Evangelical Mission that had previously used a variety of temporary sites in the town for its meetings. The members had amassed a building fund of £360, which was used for the deposit for the building. The balance of £1610 was paid by 1907. The leading figure of the mission at this time was George Gregory, an inspirational speaker and chief instigator in the search for permanent premises. In June 1909 permission was granted for an extension for the Sunday school and a gallery for the church. This was opened on New Year’s Day 1910.

Bridge River Drive, South Shields
River Drive Bridge dates from the 1930s, when the riverside underwent large-scale transformation. Most of the 18th Century dwellings had already been demolished and replaced by new industries. The bridge was needed in order to make them more accessible than the existing narrow thoroughfares. The bridge, originally known as Heugh Bridge, took two months to build, at a cost of £35,000, and was officially opened in August 1939 by the then Minister of Transport, Captain Euan Wallace. The bridge is similar in appearance to the Tyne Bridge, but on a much smaller scale. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the River Drive Bridge confused German bombers during World War II, thinking that they were over Newcastle upon Tyne. This was no small undertaking since the bridge had to cross the railway terminus.

Bridge Buffet (Former) 30 King Street, South Shields
For generations this attractive art nouveau building was a focal point of what used to be the Bridge public house. For several years in the 19th Century, it had the unusual distinction of also being the coaching station for railway passengers, who had to go through the hotel – then known as the Bridge Inn – to buy their tickets in a back room. They would then go on to the coal depot at the top of Salem Street – later the rear station yard – to climb onto a few carriages attached to empty coal trains going back to Washington, where they had to change trains. Later in the Victorian era the inn achieved some notoriety for the arrest there of a culprit in a particularly gruesome murder in Morton Street, off Mile End Road. The pub eventually closed towards the end of the 1960s, together with the neighbouring jewellers shop, Alexander’s. The white glazed tiles to the rear offshoot remain largely intact. These would have been used to reflect natural light into the back of the property.

Brockley Whins Railway Bridge off Masefield Drive, South Shields
The bridge once carried the Stanhope and Tyne Railway over the River Don. The railway was opened in 1834. It was the first public railway in the region and was designed to take passengers from South Shields to the Durham turnpike road, and to take minerals from County Durham to staiths on the Tyne. The line was later taken over by the North Eastern Railway and became their Pontop and South Shields Branch. The well-built stone bridge abutments date to the 1830s when the railway was first opened, but the metal plate across the abutments has been renewed at a later date.

Burton Menswear (Former) 64 King Street, South Shields
1930s clothing store. Social context: ‘The Full Monty’ derives from the inexpensive suits supplied by Montague Burton.

Caretaker’s Lodge at Old Boys’ High School 27a Mowbray Road, South Shields
In the 1880s a group of prominent businessmen wanted a boys high school to be built in South Shields where the pupils could go straight on to university. Lord Aberdare laid the foundation stone on May 29th, 1884. Just a year later, in May 1885, 37 boys were registered and took up their places in the new High School. The two-storey building cost £6000 to build, it was designed by the Newcastle architects Oliver & Leeson and had a separate lodge for the caretaker. In 1936 the new South Shields High School for Boys was built at St Mary’s Avenue, Harton. The old Boys High School building was demolished in about the 1970s, but the Caretaker’s Lodge is still there and is now a private residence.

Chimney (Former Cookson Glassworks) Harton Staithes, South Shields
On the site of the former workshops related to the operation of Harton coal staiths and electric railway are the remains of a chimney, carrying a date stone of 1865. The surviving structure is approx. 30ft in height, and 10ft by 10ft in plan. Built of brick with a fire brick lining, the chimney has a stone string course at about 15ft from the ground. There is a cement ashlar facing on the north face, to string course level. On the west and south faces are markings from former abutting buildings. The chimney has been reduced in height at some time. Internally the chimney is approx. 5ft by 5ft in plan. Flues can be seen within the walls about 7 and 10ft from the ground. The lower areas of the interior are encrusted with deposits on the fire brick. The structure came to light when workshops on the site were being demolished by British Coal. The chimney, in recent times, had formed one corner of a building and had been enclosed by surrounding structures. The ashlar faced north side of the structure represents an external face of this arrangement. The chimney is undoubtedly the sole surviving structure from the Swinburne Glassworks which stood on the site in the 19th century (HER 2340). The glassworks chimney stood to its original height in 1938. It had been reduced to its present height by 1973.

Colliery Hotel Public House Boldon Lane / Stanley Street, South Shields
The Colliery Hotel occupies a prominent corner site at the junction of Boldon Lane and Stanley Street. Built around 1904 opposite a railway crossing, the public house would have been frequented by workers from the nearby Harton Colliery in Harton Lane. The red-bricked upper floor and tiled ground floor frontage remain in good condition. The name was recently changed to ‘Last Orders’.

Comical Corner, South Shields
The steps at Comical Corner have been a boat landing place for at least 200 years probably a lot longer. They are clearly shown on the 1860 and 1896 map. Located where Wapping Street meets Shadwell Street. The Direct Ferry to North Shields (AKA the Ha’penny Dodger) used go from there. Comical Corner most likely gets its name because there was a bend in the river which caused strong currents which badly affected boats leading to Comical results for those who were watching. This area was the title of a novel by Francis Daniel called the Angel of Comical Corner published in 1897.

Conversation Piece Artwork, River Drive, South Shields
1998 by Juan Munoz. 22 bronze figures, patinated light blue / green on a paved area behind Littlehaven Beach. The figures appear to be standing in filled sacks. Each figure is in a different pose, either listening, leaning or talking. Each figure weighs approximately a quarter of a tonne and stands 1.5 metres high.

County, The Sunderland Road, South Shields
Confidently sited on a landscape corner. Queen Anne Revival style. Has deep dentilled cornices, curved door hoods, key stones above shallow-arched windows, steep hipped roofs, strong white on red theme. Westmorland slate roof laid in diminishing courses (huge slates at the eaves smaller ones at the ridge). Mid to late Victorian. Grand and deeply detailed. Big storey heights, tall windows, large half-hipped dormers in Westmorland slate. Arched saloon windows, embellished corner door and outstanding glazed-tiled arch to Wood Terrace with a mosaic floor.

Criterion Public House, 2 Ocean Road, South Shields
This prominently sited Victorian Building is mentioned in the 1899-1900 Trade Directory (Proprietor T Waudby).

Crosses of Sacrifice, Harton Cemetery, South Shields
There are in fact two Crosses of Sacrifice in Harton Cemetery. This type of war memorial was designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield in 1919 in a range of four sizes. The memorial consists of a tall long-shafted Portland stone cross with a bronze sword applied to it, set on an octagonal stepped base. There are over 1000 of these across the world, many in military cemeteries. There are 12 examples in Tyne and Wear including these 2 at Harton. One stands at the north-west corner of the cemetery, the other is set amongst the CWGC headstones in the south-west corner.

Crown Inn Public House (Harbour Lights), Lawe Top, South Shields
The Crown Inn opened in 1834 making it the second oldest continuous pub in South Shields after The Ship at Harton. The first licensee in 1834 was Mary Hall, Mary Hart in 1839, Mary Hall in 1851 and Mary Chambers in 1854, maybe it should have been called Mary’s Place! (source Licensing Records). In 1839 the landlady Mary Hart touchingly gave the address as “The Sea Side”. On July 14th, 1880, Captain Cook (J. H.) was the licensee, despite popular belief this was not the famous Captain Cook. In 1884 it was advertised to let stating: “This free and old fashioned public house having an uninterrupted view of the German Ocean and entrance to the Tyne.” The name Crown Inn is still visible on the roof of the building. It changed its name to the Harbour Lights on the 8th July 1965. It was a Westoe Breweries pub in 1953 and a Bass Charrington pub from 1966 until 2002.

Cyprus Public House, 48 Chichester Road, South Shields
Architects: M. Wall and Sons of Albany Chambers, King Street. The original Cyprus PH was situated on the corner of George Potts and Chichester Road until 1885. Plans for the current building were approved on 2nd August 1900 and included a cellar and a ground floor with a bar and ‘bottle of jug’ room (off licence). The first floor was to contain a buffet and a billiard room, as well as a sitting room/ newsroom. The third floor would be given over to living accommodation consisting of three bedrooms, a living room and an indoor bathroom and lavatory. The site was owned by the executors of a Mr John Turnbull, who also owned the Victoria Brewery in James Mather Street. Turnbull had been in the brewing business for over thirty years and his initials can be seen in the fascia of the pub. The building, completed in 1901, includes a fascia made up of ornate bottle green tiles highlighted in reds and yellow; a luscious example of late Victorian architectural extravagance.

Daltons Lane Workshops, 2-6 Daltons Lane, South Shields
After the designation of Mill Dam Conservation Area in March 1981, these buildings were converted by the council into 11 workshops. Put forward for listing in 2016 but Historic England chose not to add it to the list. Former maltings, part of the early to mid 19th century Subscription Brewery. The only building of the brewery to survive. Red brick with red pantile roof. The brewery was out of use by 1858, when the maltings was in use as a warehouse. Remnants of a painted sign on the south east gable indicates that it was in use as a sail makers at some point. Externally, the building is readable as a maltings, with small windows with cambered heads to three levels, indicating three former low germinating floors. The red pantile roof and timber jettied loading door are late 20th century additions. Conversion in the late 19th century led to the blocking or modification of most original windows and the insertion of four wide and tall ground floor openings, each flanked by large windows. The ground floor was divided into 4 workshops and one of the original germinating floors was removed. The original floors would have been supported on cast-iron beams. These have been replaced by steel beams. Various modern interiors, stairs and lifts have been inserted to convert the building into offices. There are no visible remains of the processes that were carried out within the building. There is partial survival of a timber roof structure, but this has been modified by the insertion of steel tie-beams. Linked to the grade 2 listed Customs House by a glass walkway.

Dolly Peel Statue, River Drive, South Shields
1987 by Billy Gofton. This is a statue of ciment-fondu and concrete. It depicts local nineteenth century heroine Dolly Peel, who helped men evade the press gangs. She was born in South Shields in 1782 and was known as a smuggler of brandy, tobacco, perfume and lace. She is said to have been one of the first ‘nurses’ to work in the cockpit of naval vessels. Dolly died in 1857. The inscription on the base says “stories and legends about her persist to this day”.

Edinburgh Buildings, 20-24 King Street, South Shields
First recorded in 1881. Formerly retail and offices. Renovated in 1994 by Project North East and now used as a community building. A set of original baker’s ovens remains largely intact in the basement. Incorporates 1-4 Station Approach. Presently a photographic shop (Max Spielmann). Brick with corner turret and bay windows. Timber is painted dark red.

Equitable Co-Op, Westoe Road, South Shields
Built in 1891 as recorded on the date stone. It was designed by the architect Thomas Alexander Page of 67 King Street. Twice yearly people used to go there to collect their “divi” this was a share of the profits made by the Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS). Many older people can still recall collecting their “divi” from this building, the practice died out by the 1970s. The Co-op still own the building and it is now called Co-op Funeralcare. It is probably the only shop/store in South Shields which has used the same premises for 131 years.

Fenwicks Furniture Store, 6 King Street, South Shields
Information from Eileen Burnett, via Terry Ford: “John Fenwick was a linen and woollen draper who opened his first shop at 6 King Street in 1833, this shop later became Woolworth’s. In 1865 his son Robert Cook Fenwick joined the family firm. John Fenwick died in 1873. In 1889 the architect Thomas Alexander Page of 67 King Street designed the building of 44 King Street near the Fowler Street end. It opened as a furniture store on Friday 17th October 1890 and was described as “One of The Largest Stocks In The North” with “Five Immense Saloons Over One Hundred Feet In Length”. Robert Cook Fenwick died in 1912 and then his nephew Edward Stanley Fenwick took over the family business until he retired in 1939. The address was changed to 3-5 King Street. Hardy & Co Furnishers took over the store in 1939 this was a very popular furniture shop until 1974, when the fast-food chain McDonalds acquired the building. It is a lovely double fronted symmetrical building with ornate carved sandstone and two triangular pediments on the roof. It was probably the first furniture department store in the town.”

Ferry Landing, Ferry Street, South Shields
The distinctive new ferry landing, built by Harbour & General, was officially opened in July 1999. It consists of a 50m steel bridge leading to a 32 square metre reinforced concrete pontoon. The landing provides three berths as well as an indoor waiting room and offices. The landing was built at the Pallion Yard in Sunderland and transported by sea as a floating vessel. The landing itself is made of watertight concrete and the workshop buildings and waiting room were built on top later. It was named Maisie’s Landing after Councillor Maisie Stewart, who at the time was Lord Mayor of South Shields. The name was chosen through a competition in the South Shields Gazette. There have been ferries across the Tyne since the 14th Century and this is the only service that remains. The ferry service makes just under 25,000 journeys a year and carries nearly 400,000 passengers a year. There are two vessels that operate the service, currently The Pride of the Tyne (1993) and The Spirit of the Tyne (2007). Justification for Inclusion: Historically a crossing at this point.

Fleet and Spirit of South Shields Artworks, Market Dock / Long Row, South Shields
Beautiful modern sculptures set within and at the entrance to the former Brigham and Cowan’s dry dock. This former shipyard has been reclaimed and redeveloped to provide riverside housing. The Spirit of South Shields, by Irene Brown, holds a sailing ship in one arm while raising the other to greet the future. She is a protector guiding the ships through the seas safely. She stands on a relief of South Shields – a firm foundation in the past and present, which is represented and orientated by the model buildings. She stands strong and optimistic, unafraid by the winds of change – the figurehead for South Shields Future. The base of the statue is a contour map of South Shields with several well known features: the Groyne, Arbeia Fort, the Old Town Hall and Westoe Colliery. The screws sticking through the base are where someone has stolen the model of the Town Hall. Fleet, also by Irene Brown, is a collection of seven stainless steel collier ships in full sail set in the water of Market Dock, overlooking the River Tyne at South Shields. The brightly polished ships reflect patterns of both moving sky and water and give the impression of a fleet heading out to sea.

Former Jewish Temple Beach Road, South Shields
Based on this address first appearing in the Jewish Year Book 1952, the site was used as a Temple from around 1951 until the 1990s. A Hebrew Congregation was formed in South Shields as early as 1857, and would have used other sites for worship before this one including, reportedly, 14 Ogle Terrace and 38 Charlotte Street (Lewis Olsover, The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1980). It is now used for businesses and office space.
Former Synagogue, 25 Beach Road, South Shields
A purpose-built synagogue on the site of a house at 14 Ogle Terrace. The plot had been bought in 1914 but the house was not cleared until 1932. The original architect for the synagogue was Marcus Kenneth Glass of Newcastle. When he died in 1932, J.A. Page & Son took over. The building is of plain red brick with the entrance under a gable at the western end. It closed in 1994 and was converted into the South Tyneside Arts Studio. The foundation stones of the synagogue are just legible. Much of the original decorative glass has been removed except for a sunburst Star of David window in the Ark wall. The Luhot (Tablets of the Law, double-headed stone bearing an abbreviated form of the Ten Commandments) remain on the gable. Inside the iron column supports with palmette capitals survive. Re-located here from Charlotte Street. South Shields Hebrew Congregation was founded before 1875. In 1895 it had 25 seatholders, whilst in 1900 there were 39 seatholders. The synagogue closed before 2000 when there were less than 12 Jewish families using it. The faint outline of the Star of David is still visible on the eastern upper gable end.

Former Temple Town Methodist Chapel, Temple Town, South Shields
Templetown Wesleyan Chapel is recorded as having been built in 1826 and closing in 1882. A 1904 photograph shows it in use by Newton & Nicholson (J.S. Nicholson Sole Proprietor) Tyne Dock Corrugated Metallic Packing Works. Single storey with rectangular windows. A corrugated packing works is shown on the OS third edition of 1919. “Built ca. 1826, used until 1880s and then converted for industrial use. Currently a dance school. Parishioners used to be made up of employees from the chemical works nearby. Much anecdotal evidence to suggest the chemical works supported the chapel, as the workers used to go there instead of going out drinking. This made them “better workers” despite the workers dying and being poisoned by their work in the chemical works.”

Fountain, Highfield Road, South Shields
The Fountain is an historic building located in South Shields, Tyne & Wear built in 1938 and is unique for its Green Chinese Roof.

Fowler Street 4-8 (Evens) South Shields
A substantial 19th Century building. This building dates from around the time Fowler Street was widened – circa 1900. Four storeys. Sandstone ashlar. Three shops at ground floor (presently Coral, LaRoSh and Homefair Blinds). Sash windows on three upper floors.

Foyboat Station, River Drive, South Shields
Situated just behind the Pilot Jetty it is a brick-built building possibly dating from the 1930s but it was just a wooden hut prior to this. The pilots and foyboatmen have traditionally worked together. Foyboats have existed on the Tyne for over 300 years and the name “foy” probably derives from the word “fee”. The foyboats used to assist boats for fees in sailing ship days this was usually assisting boats in and out of the Tyne when there was no wind. With the advent of steam, they helped boats to dock. It is a highly skilled and potentially dangerous occupation. Traditionally foyboatmen were recruited from family dynasties. The Tyne Foyboat station is still in daily use.

Gandhi’s Temple (bandstand and lavatories) Sea Road, South Shields
This shelter and lavatories was built for people using the sands and is known locally as Gandhi’s Temple. Opened 19th September 1931. Almost no change has occurred to the building throughout its life apart from the removal of seating and partitions from the upper storey which led to the assumption it was a bandstand. Recorded in 2015 ahead of conversion to a bar/restaurant. Architect James Paton Watson.

Greens Place (1-18) Mile End Road, South Shields
The flats at numbers 1 to 18 Greens Place are over 70 years old. They are the oldest purpose built block of flats in the town and also the only 1930s block. The flats were built on the site of the old Green’s Sailor Boys Institution. This was a home that took in boys from disadvantaged backgrounds and prepared them to be sent to the Wellesley Training ship that was moored on the Tyne at North Shields. The Wellesley was an old ship of the line, originally called the Boscawen. This was donated by the Admiralty in 1873 and took in boys from the ages of twelve to sixteen where they were given training to suit them for a life at sea. The boys at the Green’s Home would have been below the age of twelve. The Wellesley Ship was destroyed by fire in 1914 and, after a short spell in Tynemouth, the training facility moved to a shore establishment in Blyth. As a consequence there was no further need for the Green’s Home. For a while the building was used as a working men’s hostel but it eventually succumbed to the years and had to be demolished. In 1936 an agreement was made between the “Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the County Borough of South Shields” and the “North Eastern Housing Association Limited” (now Home Group Limited) to “Erect upon the Mile End Road site at South Shields buildings comprising eighteen dwellings being flats of the type specified in plans and specifications”. These were to be “available for the accommodation of persons of the working classes”. Building took some time and the first people did not move in to the flats until 1938. They still have much of their original look and the influence of the 1930s Art Deco style can be seen in the shape of their windows and balconies.

Grotto and associated Lift Shaft, Marsden Bay, South Shields
In 1782 Jack Bates, an unemployed miner from Allendale, moved to Marsden looking for work. He found the caves hidden within Marsden Bay’s limestone cliff face and decided to expand one of them with explosives to create a house for himself and his wife. The steps from the cliff top to the beach were said to have been carved by “Jack the Blaster” in 1788. He is said to have made a living from smuggling. He died in 1792 and his wife vacated their cave home. Peter Allan moved into the cave in 1826. He expanded it further finding 18 human skeletons in the process, possibly smugglers. Allan made a two-storey cave with a basic kitchen which he opened as an inn called the Tam O’ Shanter, renamed shortly as the Marsden Grotto. The inn was popular with smugglers. High tides flooded the inn in the 1850s and a cliff face collapsed in 1864. Peter Allan had died in 1849. The rest of the family left in 1874. The business was taken over by Sidney Milnes Hawkes and the building made sound. It was then sold to Vaux Brewery in 1898. The Grotto included a ballroom, which was popular in the Edwardian era, when visitors travelled to Marsden by boat (no coast road until modern times). It is the only ‘cave-bar’ in Europe and is said to be the most haunted public house in England. Banging, whispering and screaming have been heard {Kirkup 2009}.

Gypsies Green Sports Ground, South Foreshore, South Shields
Gypsies Green stadium is a natural bowl-like stadium with (rough) athletics track, (rough) banked cycling track (both non-standard distances) and a junior sized football pitch. It is the home of the South Shields Harriers. The site has been allocated as a potential redevelopment site, but there are no plans at present. Site of a former ballast hill.

Harton Colliery Staiths (Low Staiths) Harton Quay, South Shields
Harton Colliery Staiths (New). Not shown on 1st edition OS mapping, so built after 1855. Also known as the Harton Low Staiths, they were opened in 1904 as one of the termini of the Harton Railway. They were unique in that coal was loaded into waiting ships by steam cranes. In 1914 electrically powered conveyor belts were introduced {2}. Set of coal spouts, fed by conveyor from waggons on the Westoe Electric Railway {3}.

Harton Hall, Moor Lane, South Shields
Built in 1881 as the home of Joseph Mason Moore. He was the mayor in 1871 then was the Town Clerk for 21 years. He was a principal mover in the establishment of the Marine School, Free Library, Ingham Infirmary, Union British School and Boys High School. He funded the building of Harton Village School, offered numerous scholarships and gave multiple charitable donations, he was President of the Mechanics Institute, Secretary of South Shields Chamber of Commerce and served as a magistrate for over 30 years. He was president of South Shields Art Club, Choral Society, Orchestral Society and St Peter’s Church Warden for 44 years. He was by far the most important public figure in the mid to late nineteenth century in South Shields. His home in Harton Hall was often open to the public for cultural, musical and gardening events. It was often used as a venue for fundraising events including; the Missions to Seamen, Harton parish church and Harton Colliery church. For over 20 Years Harton Hall and grounds were an important centre for culture, fund raising and public entertainment in Harton Village and South Shields. When he died parts of Harton Hall were sold off and some of his land later became houses on Moore Avenue which is named after him.

Harton Hall Cottages, 12 Moor Lane, South Shields
Built in 1878, according to the builder’s date stone. It is likely to have been two cottages for the coachman and gardener of Joseph Mason Moore the Town Clerk and probable owner of the land at that date. In 1881 J M Moore builds Harton Hall next door to the cottages. In the 1881 census George Hetherington (Coachman) and Robert Robson (Gardener) seem to be the two occupants. It is possibly the only example of late Victorian cottages in South Shields. Later it became Harton Village Car Centre but looks unoccupied now.

Harton Village School, Moor Lane, South Shields
The Harton Village school building is in the grounds of St Peter’s Church Harton (a nationally listed building) and is accessed through Moor Lane. The first school in Harton Village was built in 1846. The Reverend Phillpott’s (first vicar of St Peter’s church) journal details the building of the second school. It was designed by the well-known architects T. A. Page and Sons 67 King Street. It was built in 1875 for the sum of £500 donated by Joseph Mason Moore the Town Clerk. His daughter Sarah Jane Moore (AKA Poppy) laid the foundation stone on June 1st, 1875. Children attended from the whole of Harton Township. In 1901 there were three teachers and forty-six children at the school but, with the opening of the Mortimer Road Schools under the Board of Education, the numbers at the Village School reduced. The plan from 1905 showing proposed addition of indoor toilets. Interestingly the dry toilet building survives though all internal signs of its original use have vanished, and it is used as sheds for storage by the church and the scouts. As a result of the incorporation of Harton Township into the Borough of South Shields in 1921 the school came under the authority of the South Shields Education Authority, which closed it as a day school on 8th January 1932. The pupils, headteacher and two assistant teachers were transferred to Cleadon Park, Mortimer or Stanhope Schools. The Vicar and churchwardens were then authorised to use the premises as a Sunday School or for evening classes, for educational lectures and for physical instruction. In 1937 it was agreed that the school could be used for church purposes and thus the school came to be used as the Parish Hall. Extensive work was carried out at this time, comprising of a new floor, new toilet accommodation, roof repairs and seating. On February 26th, 1941, the hall was requisitioned by the army at a rental of £50 per annum until it was handed back in September 1944. Further refurbishments of the hall took place in 1967 and in August 2017. It is now called St Peter’s Church Hall. Harton Village School building has been an integral part of Harton Village’s social, religious and cultural life for nearly 150 years. Compiled from the book by Jean Stokes “Harton Village 1900” by Harton Village Press first published August 2017

HSBC Bank, 21 Fowler Street, South Shields
The York and County Banking Co. commissioned architects Messrs Clark and Moscrop to design a building to replace an existing building on the corner of Denmark Street and York Street. At the time the York and County Bank shared premises with the London City and Midland Bank in King Street. The Council approved the plans in 1903. The Midland Bank traded from these premises since 1926 – now part of HSBC.

Ingham Infirmary (Former) Westoe Road, South Shields
Includes the central building, gatehouses, gateway and boundary walls, original poor law building and laundry. By R.J. Johnson of Austin & Johnson, 1871-3. Early example of Queen Anne revival and closer to the original style than most houses of that movement. Domestic looking main block of five bays. Hipped roof, modillion cornice. Tripartite windows in centre bay, sashes with stone surrounds lifting into segmental pediments. One-storey corridor links to a pedimented pavilion and to a later taller wing (1897-9) with a wooden cupola and two towers at the back. Lodges in same style. Additions towards St. Michael’s Avenue. Named after Robert Ingham, South Shields first MP in 1832 and remaining so until 1868. A plaque records his “public usefulness”. The infirmary expanded after the John Redhead Wing opened in 1899. Further wings spread north over the gardens and to the south. By the 1980s the site was redundant, became ripe for development and so the Conservation Area was extended and the hospital buildings added to the Local List {1 and 2}. 24 cots were placed in the children’s ward as a First War Memorial { W101.02}. One cot was a memorial for the South African War { W101.03}. One cot was a memorial for five Civil Defence Wardens killed in World War Two { W101.04}. The plaques which commemorated the memorial cots have been moved to South Tyneside District Hospital. Much of the infirmary was demolished in 1990-1 and replaced by flats in 1992 {}.

Kennedy’s Public House, South Eldon Street, South Shields
Located on the corner of Thornton Avenue and South Eldon Street. It was built in 1809 as the Plough in to cater for miners at the newly sunk Temple Town Colliery (sunk 1805). It became the Tyne Dock Hotel after 1841 under Thomas Turner. The side of the building has a plaque commemorating the buildings original building date “Temple Town 1809” It was bought by R S & D Crosthwaite in 1890 and tenders were advertised to rebuild it on the 12th February 1891. The architect was John M Dingle of 3 Ocean Road, who designed numerous houses’ shop and public building in South Shields including St Aidan’s Parish Hall, St Thomas Sunday school and an extension to Barnes Road school. The pub would have been frequented by dock workers from the nearby Tyne Dock. Being about the lowest point in South Shields it is notorious for flooding. In 1900 it was flooded and the water was five feet up the walls of the building. John Kennedy was landlord of the pub from 1890 till his death in 1911. It was renamed Kennedy’s in his honour in 1995. It is a very elegant example of a late Victorian public house designed by one of South Shields leading architect. It is one of the few surviving buildings from the once thriving area of Temple Town.

King Street (115) South Shields
“115 King Street (numbered 83 in the middle of the 19th century) was the draper’s shop of my great-great-grandfather Robert Chapman, JP, from 1836 to 1886, by which time its number had changed to 81-83 King Street. Joseph Hall Morton, architect: In 1883 Robert expanded his King Street shop to the design of the very well-known South Shields architect J.H. Morton. As you can see from the images below, very kindly taken by Terry Ford, additional storeys were added in a rather attractive Dutch style. In a roundel on the gable Robert added the inscription ‘Rebuilt RC 1883’. The building is mentioned on page 641 of ‘The Buildings of England, County Durham, by Martin Roberts, Nikolaus Pevsner and Elizabeth Williamson’, Yale University Press, 2021 as follows: On the south side of KIng Street, ‘Nos. 113-115, with brick and stone upper floors with a curved bay under a Dutch gable, dated 1883′. I have seen the plans which were produced by J.H.Morton. Morton was responsible for many excellent buildings in and around South Shields, including: The South Shields Poor Law Union Workhouse on Harton Lane; The former Poor Law Union Board of Guardians’ Office in Barrington Street; The ‘Wouldhave and Greathead Memorial of the Lifeboat’ on Pier Parade;* Martins Bank (now Barclays) on the corner of King Street and Fowler Street; * New churches of St Aidan and St Jude, also in South Shields. In my book ‘A Tyneside Heritage’, published by the History Press in 2021 (there are copies in Gateshead’s Library) there is a summary of Morton’s work (pp137-139) and further images of what was originally 83 King Street on pages 77-78. Current numbering of the King Street property: I am afraid I have not been able to resolve whether the current street number is simply 115 King Street, or whether it is in fact 113-115 as per ‘The Buildings of England’ quoted above. Robert Chapman, JP, 1811-1894: To provide further information, Robert Chapman was a well-known figure in Victorian South Shields. He was a Borough Councillor, Mayor’s Auditor, External Auditor to the South Shields Gas Company, Vice-President of the South Shields Commercial Building Society, a Select Vestryman of St Hilda’s Church and a Justice of the Peace.”

King Street (29-33 Odds )South Shields
19th Century. Scale and proportions typical of that age. Original windows. Brick. Three storeys plus dormer window in roof space. Two storey bay windows at first and second floors. Presently [2011] the O2 shop.

Lambton Arms Public House, East Street, South Shields
The proprietor of this public house back in 1891 is recorded as T Bains. Used to be called the Smugglers Public House.

Level Crossing, Over West Holborn, South Shields
On dismantled section of Westoe Electric Railway. Level crossing still complete. A fairly modern crossing but containing some interesting features. Sited on a dismantled section of the Harton Electric Railway, built to transport coal and colliery waste from pits to staithes on the river Tyne for shipment, using overhead electric traction. The Harton Coal Company operated at Harton, St Hilda’s, Boldon, Whitburn and Westoe collieries. The system operated for more than 80 years until its closure in 1989. A locomotive can be seen on display at the Stephenson Railway Museum; one of nine supplied by Siemens between 1907 and 1913 to the Harton Coal Company.
(Additional info these lines were used as a wagonway they date from 1810 they predate the Stanhope and Tyne Railway.)

Lion Statue, Ocean Road, South Shields
C19 sculpture outside the museum. Artist unknown. Original part of the Golden Lion Public House on Ocean Road (built around 1870), located in the pedestal above the front door. The pub was demolished in April 1973 but the lion was kept. Stone lion (possibly Coade stone), lying down with paws in front, around 1m high on a stone pedestal 1.4m high, 1.77m wide and 70cm deep. It was painted gold when it was first erected.

Look Out Public House, Fort Street, South Shields
The Look Out opened in 1853 it was owned by the Crosthwaite Breweries of South Shields in the 1870s then WB Reid of Newcastle and then in 1959 Scottish and Newcastle Breweries. In the 1970s Olive Beattie was a famous and much-admired Landlady of the Look Out.

Man with the Donkey, Statue Ocean Road, South Shields
1988 by Robert Olley. This fibreglass statue commemorates John Simpson Kirkpatrick, who was born in South Shields in 1892. He was a member of the Australian Army Medical Corps and carried many dead and wounded soldiers with his donkey from the battleground at Gallipoli during the First World War. He died at Gallipoli on 9th May 1915. “John Simpson Kirkpatrick ‘the man with the donkey’ 202 pte. J. Simpson aust. Army medical corps. Born South Shields 6 July 1892 died Gallipoli 19 may 1915. A hero of the great war”. There is also a statuette in South Shields Museum. The donkey, called Murphy, was awarded the Purple Cross for Animal Bravery in Australia in 1997. Simpson carried over 15 injured soldiers on the donkey, unarmed. He was serving in the Anzac Forces after emigrating to Australia {}.

Marsden Inn, Marsden Lane, Marsden
Built between 1938 and 1939. An imposing building, with its confection of mock Tudor beams and pseudo-heraldry.

Marsden Miners Hall, 189 Imeary Street, South Shields
Built in 1912 for the miners who lived at Marsden Village and who worked at Whitburn Colliery. It was designed by the architect Thomas Alexander Page of 67 King Street. “A handsome hall capable of accommodating 600 persons” (Sunderland Echo Monday 5th August 1912). The lettering “Marsden Miners Hall” is still visible on the brickwork. It was used for: social activities, union meetings, strike ballots, to campaign for a 48-hour week for Ingham Infirmary nursing staff, the 1945 Labour victory public meeting, Chuter Ede and Hugh Gaitskell held meetings there. It was used by the Marsden miners until 1967 when Whitburn Colliery closed. There was a World War One memorial plaque in the hall dedicated to the men who served and died from Marsden (over 200 men died). The memorial consisted of 31 panels, 8 are now missing the remainder are in South Shields Museum. After 1967 it became St Bede’s Parochial Hall, it is now residential flats.

Mechanics Arms Public House, East Street, South Shields
Two-storey white painted public house. Quoins. Pub frontage is green.

Merchant Navy Memorial, Daltons Lane, South Shields
1990 by Robert Olley (???) foundry was Burleighfield (NEWMP say designer was Graham Ibbetson and it was made by Heritage Products of York). A bronze statue 2.5m high of a sailor at the wheel on a sloping yellow ashlar pedestal 1.74m high. Inscribed on the pedestal on a plaque are the words: “Merchant navy memorial/ this statue was unveiled by/ countess Mountbatten of Burma/ on 19th September 1990/ in memory of the thousands of merchant seamen/ who sailed from this port and lost their lives in world war ii/ unrecognized you put us in your debt/ unthanked you enter or escape the grave/ whether your land remember or forget/ you saved the land, or died trying to save/ john Masefield poet laureate”. The £56,000 needed was raised by public subscription. The plinth was paid for by Tyne and Wear Development Corporation. Unveiled 19 September 1990 by Countess Mountbatten.

Middle Docks, Mill Dam, South Shields
The 1st edition OS mapping shows two docks {1}. There are several travelling cranes in Middle Dock {2}. A ‘Mr Smith’s Dock’, shown on a ‘Plan of the Low part of the Tyne’ probably surveyed in the late 1760s (Flagg 1979, 85), corresponds in location with the southern of the two Middle Docks shown on Wood’s plan of 1827. The first mention by name of Middle Dock is from 1772, when the brig True Briton was announced for sale at ‘the Middle Dock, South Shields’. In another sale announcement, in 1774, the yard was described as containing a ‘large and commodious double dock, a spacious building yard, smiths’ shops, warehouses and all other necessary conveniences and appurtenances…’ (Flagg 1979, 86) The ‘double dock’, mentioned above, probably refers only to one large dock with capacity for two vessels. When the second dock was constructed in the yard is uncertain. Certainly, references to ‘docks’ on the site by 1799 show it had been put in place by that time (Flagg 1979, 88). Wood’s map of South Shield’s of 1827 shows two owners in the Middle Dock Yard; a Mr Stoveld in the northern dock and a Mr Hall in the southern dock. Mr Hall’s dock was bought in 1836 by the Brandling Junction Railway Co. in order to run a rail line across it to a proposed staith on the riverside. As the dock was never linked to adjoining parcels of land to form a viable route for the railway, the dock was sold by the Brandling Junction Railway in the early 1840s. Soon after this time, the two docks were joined into one business under Hood, Henderson and Woods: the Middle Dock Co. Much of the work of the docks seems to have been involved with the import of timber and the repair of wooden ships, although a number of wooden vessels were also constructed, including the Ajax in 1862 and the Athena in 1868. In 1879, the northern dock was greatly extended and its orientation altered. In 1899 the Middle Dock Co. was sold by was sold by G.E. Henderson and a new Middle Dock and Engineering Co. Ltd was formed, under the control of J H Edwards. The principal work of the yard was ship repairing. A third graving dock at Middle Dock was opened in 1909, the construction of which necessitated shifting the course of a stretch of West Holborn to the east. This dock was 460 feet long, 62 feet six inches wide and drew 23 feet six inches of water at its sill. At the same time as the dock was built, all the yard’s departments were reorganised and extended and new electric cranes installed. Soon after this refurbishment, the yard was further upgraded when a fourth graving-dock was constructed., this time on land purchased to the north of the existing yard in 1913. This new site was the former yard of J T Eltringham and Co. at the Stone Quay (see SMR No. 2343 for the pre-merger history of this area). Eltringham’s moved to Howdon into a larger yard. Work on the dock began in 1914 and was completed by 1917. Construction of this dock, which ran obliquely across the enlarged yard, involved the infilling of the old Metcalfe’s Dock and the demolition of much of the yard’s structures. It was 630 feet long, 80 feet wide and drew 26 feet of water at the sill. At the time, it was the second largest graving dock on the east coast north of the Thames (Flagg 1979, 95). Post WW1, the two oldest docks in the yard were also extended and the yard considerably upgraded. The yard was employed to full capacity over WWII and the latest dock was extended in 1941 to 640 feet in length. From 1977 the Middle Dock and Engineering Company became a member of British Shipbuilders as part of the Tyne Ship repairers Group Ltd. Map Evidence J Wood: Map of South Shields 1827. Two graving docks with rounded ends are shown running at right-angles from the riverside with the names ‘Mr Hall’ appended to the southern dock and ‘Mr Stoveld’s’ appended to the northern dock. The two docks lie within an open yard. A large building/covered area to east may lie within the yard.

Mill Dam Jetty, Mill Dam, South Shields
Recorded on the Local List as ‘Mill Dam Jetty’. Large two-level deck which juts squarely out into the river. The black railings and bollards overwhelm it as a focal space and viewing point.

Minchella’s Cafe, 9 and 11 Ocean Road, South Shields
Originally part of the entrance to the Royal Assembly Hall, the shop has had several tenants, including tobacconists Auty and Norman. Fred Minchella opened up his ice cream parlour in 1943 and together with his brother Tony built a reputation for the outstanding quality of their delicious ice cream. Their father, Guiseppe Minchella, came to England from the village of San Michelle in Cassino, Italy circa 1905. He originally sold ice cream in the colliery districts of Durham before moving to South Shields, where he had an ice cream parlour on King Street.

Mission to Seafarers (Holborn House) 53 Mill Dam, South Shields
The German Seamen’s mission committee was set up in South Shields in 1880 to look after German immigrants in South Shields and sailors visiting the Tyne. The Seamen’s Home was built in 1906 for £5000 and inaugurated in 1909. During World War I the mission closed and was taken over by the Joint War Committee to become a Voluntary Aided Hospital. The nurses were a mixture of qualified nurses and volunteers – mostly middle-class women.. VAD hospitals received the sum of 3 shillings per day per patient from the War Office. The Seamans Mission was the 2nd Durham VA Hospital. Mrs Henrietta Stalker received the Royal Red Cross 2nd Class for service to this hospital. In 1921 The Seafarers Mission (established c.1818) were looking for a larger premises and took over the vacant German Seamen’s Mission building -reopening in December 15th 1921. A commemorative stone was unveiled: Sandstone building with a granite foundation stone set at waist height below a window. “This stone commemorates the purchase of the church and institute for the missions to seamen as the memorial of the courage and sacrifice of the seamen of Tyneside during the great war 1914-1918. Unveiled December 16th 1921 by lt. Col. C.h. innes-hopkins”. The building has an ordered classical composition in ashlar and pinkish brickwork with a slate mansard roof. The roof has copper domed turrets. There is a large stained glass window into a former chapel. The side elevation has a double-height arched entrance. At the rear is a later extension and cobbled yard. Building now includes the Flying Angel Public House.

National Westminster Bank, 40 King Street, South Shields
The National Provincial Bank, formed in 1833 in Newcastle, opened its first branch in South Shields in 1848. Whether this was at 40 King Street cannot be confirmed. However, the bank was listed at this address in Slayer’s Directory in 1854/55. The property also has a connection with the North of England Joint Stock. Situated at 35 Market Place, the organisation’s manager, a Mr John Ridley, went on to become the manager of the National Provincial Bank in 1854. The rooms above the bank were the offices of Mabane, Graham & Mabane solicitors, Belle Vue Building Estate Co. Ltd., and Purvis F. W. House Agent above in 1909/10. This building could be put forward for statutory listing.

North East Maritime Trust (Wooden Workshops) Wapping Street, South Shields
The north-east of England has a rich maritime heritage. The shipbuilding and fishing industries were once major employers in the region and the lifeblood of many riverside and coastal communities. The North East Maritime Trust, located on the site of J.G. Mitchelson & Sons Boatbuilders, was set up in 2005 by local enthusiasts to make a positive contribution to the renewal of interest in traditional seagoing activities in the region. The main emphasis is on the care, maintenance, restoration and reconstruction of wooden vessels. The riverside workshop itself is more than 100 years old and is open to the public every Wednesday.

Old Ship Public House, The Sunderland Road, South Shields
The Old Ship Inn is in Harton Village on the corner of Marsden Road and Sunderland Road. It was built in 1803 by Thomas Smith. A crest above the main door used to display the date 1803 and show his initial TS and the motto: “By hammer and hand all art doth stand”. Presumably linked to the smithy behind the pub. The Old Ship is a former coaching Inn and there is a jelly stone at the corner of the pub which may have been used to allow people to mount their horses or to prevent damage to the corner of the pub or more likely serve both purposes. It is the oldest continuously serving pub in Shields, though Harton Village only became a part of South Shields in 1921.

Painted Mural, Commercial Road, South Shields
In 1980 a Youth Enterprise Project team, South Shields painted a mural in Commercial Road. The mural was designed by D. Wilkinson to depict the history of the town from its Roman beginnings up to the industrial era of the 1970s. It is hand painted on a retaining wall of an old railway embankment that used to carry trains into Low Shields Station (long since demolished). Justification for Inclusion: Wall of railway embankment. Social vibrancy – relevant to the social history of the area. Recently restored due to public pressure.

Pier Hotel Public House, Ocean Road, South Shields
Built in 1875 by R S & D Crosthwaite Brewery, the first licensee was James Wilkinson.

Pier Watchman’s Office, South Pier, South Shields
Built in 1868 by the Tyne Improvement Commission to oversee the development of South Pier. Now in use as Essy’s Italian Restaurant (????). Brick with ashlar quoins and dressings. Two storeys with square watchtower on flat roof.

Pillbox (Camel Island) Camel Island, Marsden
Set in the cliff face behind Camel Island is a pill box. The roof is 1m below the cliff top. Built of concrete with corrugated iron shuttering. A cube 2.5m long, 2.9m wide and 2m high. A flight of steps, eight of which remain, are butted against the north side. They give access to the concrete roof and beyond to the cliff top. Erosion is beginning to undermine the structure. The interior has a wall alongside the entrance. There are two small apertures, 10cm x 10cm at roof level, one looking out onto Marsden Grotto, the other over the cliff.

Pillbox (Trow Point) Coast Road, South Shields
Recorded by Phase 2 of the North East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment. Recorded as eroded and at risk of slumping. Risk = high. Threat level 8.

Pilot Jetty, River Drive, South Shields
Probably built about 1890 the Pilot Jetty was used by the Tyne Pilots to travel out to ships to help them navigate in and out of the river. Tyne Pilots have been doing this work for over 500 years on the Tyne. They worked closely with the Foyboatmen who have a building near to the Pilot Jetty. Even though this was a working area it was very popular place for fishing and crabbing. It stopped being used by the pilots about the 1970s.

Pilot’s Watch House, Lawe Road, South Shields
Maritime Office. Situated at the north entrance to North Marine Park, overlooking the Tyne estuary. Currently vacant (2011). Built in the 1890s and altered in 1930. The upper floor was rebuilt and specially shaped windows at NE and SE corners allowed unobstructed views over the sea.

Quadrant, The Mill Dam, South Shields
Neat three-storey late Victorian curved terrace. The upper levels are in white faience panels (glazed terracotta) designed to repel industrial stains. This is in very poor condition and requires repair. The buildings have decorative eaves and string courses. On the ground floor is a mix of shopfronts. Some have metal grilles in the stallrisers. Common colour scheme, slate roof and brick chimneys. Formerly known as Chandlers’ Buildings, nos. 53-67 Mill Dam have an historical association to the area as well as a strong visual presence. They form a neat, three-storey, late Victorian curved terrace designed to face the central hub of the area. They retain prominent upper levels in white faience panels (glazed terracotta), illustrating high quality (good for repelling industrial stains). Decorative eaves and string courses also feature. Vertically proportioned windows survive at upper level, as do an authentic mix of ground level windows and shop fronts, some with metal grilles in the stall risers. Unity to the group comes from the common colour scheme and the largely unbroken sweep of the roof and brick chimneys. A change to residential use has led to some loss of authenticity, notably to the number and character of doorways.

Railings Westoe Road and Horsley Hill Road, South Shields
19th Century railings associated with the Ingham Infirmary.

RC Church of Holy Rosary, Horsley Hill Square, South Shields
1967-8 by Anthony J. Rossi. The parish was erected in 1955 to serve the Marsden and Horsley Hill housing estates. Mass was said in St Gregory’s school until a presbytery was built in 1958. The contract for the church was ready in October 1964 but building work was delayed until December 1966. By then, the sanctuary had been redesigned to suit the new liturgy. The church was opened on 30 April 1968. The architect was Anthony J. Rossi and the contractor was Randle & Co of Sunderland. In 1980, the adjacent Rosary Hall was built, connecting church and house. The church was reordered in the late 1980s, which probably included the subdivision of the church to create a small weekday chapel in the former east end. The church is now served from St Bede’s, South Shields. The church is a steel portal-framed structure with bricks in stretcher bond and artificial stone dressings. The roof is covered in interlocking clay tiles. The plan is rectangular with narrower east and west ends. A small chapel to the north and a southwest porch are both under low cross roofs. The blind east end has a centrally-placed chimney. The west end has a recessed central bay with a central window of three triangular-headed lights flanked by vertical strip pilasters beyond which are two straight-headed two-light windows. Above and below the windows are beige ceramic tiles. The narrow western bay has three lancets on each side. The nave has five large windows to the south, of five lights each, and three to the north. The east end has five-light windows to the north and south. Above the narthex is the projecting organ gallery with a centrally-placed pipe organ. The repository in the northwest of the narthex has a window to the nave and may have been a children’s room originally. In front of the window is a timber statue of the Virgin Mary. The nave has a plasterboard ceiling with decoratively patterned panels and recessed lights. The benches are arranged in a V-pattern and the timber platform is asymmetrically placed in the northeast corner. The sanctuary furniture includes the altar, lectern, circular font and tabernacle stand, all of polished blue pearl granite. The latter is placed in front of a window to the northeast chapel, the former Lady Chapel. This chapel has a timber altar and is also used as a reconciliation room. A large timber crucifix hangs on the east wall. A door in the southeast corner leads into the small weekday chapel in the former east end. The Stations of the Cross are unframed timber reliefs. Rossi was awarded a CBE in 2008 for his ‘services to heritage and conservation’. He was short-listed in the 2009 ACE (Art & Christianity Enquiry) / RIBA Awards for Religious Architecture for the Roman Catholic Church of Annunciation, Little Walsingham, Norfolk which was commissioned by the Diocese of East Anglia.

RC Church of St. Oswald, Gainsborough Avenue, Whiteleas
1965 by Pascal J. Stienlet & Son. Free-standing concrete bell-tower; monopitch roof linking the large scale of the church with the smaller scale of the presbytery and parish halls. Stations of the Cross in glass, designed to be viewed from both sides, by David Gormley. Stained glass in south chapel, St. Oswald window by Pierre Fourmaintreaux. The parish was established to serve the local authority housing estate at Whiteleas. St Oswald’s RC primary school was completed in 1963. By 1963, the church was in planning. It was opened by Mgr Cunningham on 2 December 1965. The architects were Pascal J. Stienlet & Sons, the architect in charge being Vincente Stienlet (born 1941). An attached presbytery was built at the same time but the planned hall connected via the liturgical west canopy was never erected. Therefore, the original architect returned in 1983, to subdivide the original church to form a hall at the east end. At the same time, projecting kitchens were constructed, and a dalle de verre window by Pierre Fourmaintraux re-installed on a curved plan. The former sacristies became cloakrooms and toilets, while new sacristies and confessionals were constructed at the northwest. The church is now served from Sacred Heart, Boldon (qv) and the presbytery is used by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ.

Red House Farmyard Wall, 169 Sunderland Road, South Shields
Red House Farm was owned by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, it stretched from Harton to Lizard Lane and included the land between Prince Edward Road and Marsden Road and down to Cauldwell. The farmhouse itself, was thought to be at least 200 years old and was in 1950 included in a list of buildings considered of special architectural interest by the then Ministry of Town and Country Planning. Red House Farm existed as a farm until 1951 when the land was acquired for housing. The last tenant was Robert Wood who had farmed the land for 64 years. Part of the farmyard wall is still there at the bottom of the gardens of the northwest end of St Mary’s Avenue, built on the site of this farmyard in the 1950s. It can be seen from the Vigilant pub’s side door. Sadly, the end tower aspect was pulled down earlier this year. Compiled from the book by Jean Stokes “Harton Village 1900” by Harton Village Press first published August 2017.

Rennoldson’s Shipyard Building (Former) Wapping Street, South Shields
The founder of the Rennoldson’s firm was George Rennoldson who was a millwright in South Shields in 1800 and by 1826 had started a small engineering works in Wapping Street. By 1837 the firm was building locomotive engines but marine engines were coming to the fore and soon became the main product of the firm. After the death of the founder in 1850 his son James Purdy Rennoldson, conducted the business under the well-known name of JP Rennoldson. By 1857 they had expanded into shipbuilding and repairing with some of the early vessels being constructed in North Shields. However, a yard in South Shields was acquired in 1863. This yard was part of the former Wallis Yard at the Lawe but a “Patent slipway” was added to it. The yard was initially being used to construct and repair wooden vessels but by 1874 they were said to be building iron-hulled vessels. However it is likely that such vessels were sub-contracted to JT Eltringham and JP Rennoldson provided the engines. After the death of JP Rennoldson in 1878, the business was carried on by two of his sons, Joseph Middleton and Charles, under the title of Messrs JP Rennoldson and Sons. The building yard was remodelled in 1890 and equipped to meet the demands of composite (iron frames and wooden decks, side strakes) and full iron construction methods. By this stage the firm was specialising in the construction of screw and paddle tugs. In 1896 the land vacated by John Readhead provide yet another major extension. Two years later the engine works in Pilot Street, also vacated by John Readhead, were added to the company. The first fifteen years of the 20th Century were perhaps the “Golden Age” of the firm, producing many famous vessels for use throughout the world. In 1913 the two brothers separated; JM Rennoldson keeping the engineering works and the old shipyard, while Charles opened a new yard nearer to the Groyne. The old firm was then registered as a limited company. JM Rennoldson died in 1916 by which time the four building berths at the yard had a maximum output of 6,000 tons gross, while vessels of up to 230 feet long could be constructed. The yard also possessed a patent slipway, which was 240 feet long. The well-equipped marine engineering department had a maximum annual output of 6,000 IHP. After the death of JM Rennoldson, Charles Ross, his son-in-law, managed the shipyard and the Engineering Works. The yard closed in 1929 owing to a severe recession in both sides of the business.

Riddicks, 22 Fowler Street, South Shields
Following site clearance by the Council, this 122 square yard corner plot of surplus land was put up for auction for the reserve price of £12.10s per square yard in 1905 (Plot I). The council’s stipulation for the land read: ‘… as regards plot I, the building line in Keppel Street on the ground floor be in line with the present shop fronts, and the 1st to 2nd floor to be set 3 feet 2 inches from the ground floor line.’ After several unsuccessful auctions, the council eventually sold the land for its reserve price in October 1907. Mr Lockey, a solicitor, bought the property for £11,500. This impressive building retains many of its original architectural features and boasts one of the few remaining historic shopfronts in the town centre. Formerly a grocers shop – Hintons in 1950’s and 1960’s.

Robert Readhead Park, Sunderland Road, South Shields
In May 1923 the park was opened on land given by Alderman Readhead as a War Memorial in thanksgiving for peace {1}. The park was opened on 18th May 1923 by Alderman Robert Readhead. In the south-west corner of the park there is a concrete memorial 3 feet high with a copper scroll-like plaque “County borough of South Shields Robert Redhead park. This park was presented by alderman Robert redhead j.p. to the town council of south shields for the purpose of public pleasure grounds by deed of gift dated 20th April 1923. Opened to the public on the 3rd may 1923 by Robert Readhead esq m.a. (oxon) (son of the donor), Edward smith, mayor, john Lawson, chairman of parks and cemeteries committee”. A condition of the gift was that unemployed ex-servicemen were given work on the adjoining roadworks.

Royal British Legion, Queen Street, South Shields
Built in 1939 for the Estate Agent Vasey and Reed. It is one of the few commercial buildings in South Shields which has been constructed in a typical 1930s Art Deco style. Consisting of a rounded front, fluting around the doors, windows and a smooth wall surface. It was used by Vasey and Reed until the 1970s and in the late 1980s it became the Royal British Legion who still use the building today.

Ship and Royal Public House, 1 Ocean Road, South Shields
Known locally as The Royal (?). This Victorian building is mentioned in the 1899-1900 Trade Directory. Dramatic roof – distinctive. First shown on the OS 1896 1:500 town plan and labelled ‘Royal Hotel’.

South Pier, South Shields
The 2nd edition OS mapping shows the pier construction works and the railway (HER 2432, 2495) associated with this structure. The Volunteer Life Brigade Watch House (HER 2430) was at the south end of the pier, a lighthouse was built at its northern end. Construction of the Pier by the Tyne Improvement Commission began in 1854. The pier is almost one mile in length. Pevsner – took years (1854-95) to construct. Begun by James Walker and continued in 1862 by John F. Ure. The pier is almost one mile (5170ft or 1553m) in length. The foundation stones for both the North and South Piers were laid on 15th June 1854 and a railway was constructed to carry the stones to the South Pier. They were completed in 1895. Orientated SW to NE. Constructed of large rock-faced blocks laid in regular courses with battered faces. July 2016- being assessed for listing.

South Tyneside College Planetarium (Former) St George’s Avenue, South Shields
The college was formerly known as the Marine and Technical College, and was founded by Dr Thomas Winterbottom, a former surgeon-general in Sierra Leone. After spending 4 years in Africa, he returned to South Shields in 1796 to take over his father’s practice. He wrote an account of his time in Africa which was published in 1803, and which contains the description of African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), for which he is known. The college is still one of the largest merchant navy training colleges in the United Kingdom, and attracts students from as far afield as India and Africa. Courses are offered across the whole spectrum of marine education including navigation, operations, mechanical and electrical engineering, communications, and catering. The college was formerly based in Ocean Road, South Shields in a purpose-built building opened in 1869. This is now a listed public house called Kirkpatricks. There is a marine simulation centre at the main Westoe Campus and additional college sites all over South Shields such as the Marine Survival Centre on Wapping Street; the Radar Station next to Ocean Beach Pleasure Park and the St. Hilda’s Centre on Coronation Street. However, due to new advances in technology, the planetarium and observatory have not been used for this purpose for more than twenty years. All of the equipment was relocated to Stockton’s Wynyard Planetarium & Observatory on Teesside. The observatory space now houses a multi-faith chaplaincy.

St Bede’s RC Church and Vicarage, 10 Westoe Road, South Shields
1876 by Gibson Lidbetter, supervised by T.C. Nicholson. Dressed stone. Tall chancel, aisles, truncated North East tower with clasping buttresses and entrance under it.

St Paul and St John United Reform Church, Beach Road, South Shields
Elaborate Gothic Presbyterian Church of St. John, still in use as the United Reformed Church of St. Paul and St. John. Some good detail including a fine symbolically carved tympanum. 1875-7 (datestone 1876). Could seat 750 people. Big, very coarse Decorated church, rockfaced, with outsize cresting to the north-west tower. This church was used as a military hospital during the First World War. There is a brass plaque to commemorate this.

St Stephen’s World War One Memorial Plaque, Mile End Road, South Shields
At the edge of St Stephen’s church in an enclosed graveyard is a metal plaque mounted onto wooden board with the names of the 229 servicemen who had lived in nearby Wellington Street (now demolished) and who died in World War One. It is 8 feet 4 inches tall by 6 feet wide. It was restored on 11th November 2001. It is a Commonwealth War Grave site.

T.S. Collingwood, Wapping Street, South Shields
The former steam corvette H.M.S. Satellite, built 1881, arrived on the Tyne in November 1903 to be used as an R.N.R Drill Ship. Initially moored off the fish quay on the north side of the river, she was ‘loaned’ to the R.N.V.R. Tyne Division in 1906 and was moored at Corporation Quay (now called Satellite Quay). The ship remained moored until July 1947 when she went to the breakers, replaced by initially an Algerine Class Minesweeper (formerly H.M.S Melita) which was renamed H.M.S. Satellite. She was moored at Satellite Quay from 1947 until 1951. She was then laid up and replaced by another Algerine Class Minesweeper (formerly H.M.S. Brave) which was moored until 1958 when the shore base H.M.S. Satellite was closed and the base was moved to Gateshead (H.M.S. Calliope). The building in which T.S. Collingwood Sea Cadets now operate from was built in 1936 to supplement the facilities for the drill ship. The lower deck was used as an armoury and boat workshop whilst the upper deck was a drill hall and concert hall and Officers Mess. During World War II an electrically operated anti-aircraft gun was located on the lower deck, on rails which was used for gunnery training for D.E.M.S. Gunners (Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships). The Sea Cadets have been in occupation since 1937 and have had sole occupation of the building since H.M.S. Satellite closed in 1958. During the 1970’s they did share the facilities for a number of years with the 3rd St Michaels Sea Scouts. The current building houses the restored original figurehead from the 1855 built ‘Pearl’ Class 21 gun screw corvette H.M.S. Satellite. The figurehead is believed to have been carved by Frederick Dickerson who was the last of a long line of Master Carvers based in Devonport. This vessel served until 1870 and was broken up in 1879. The figurehead was stored in Devonport until the 1980’s when it was brought to H.M.S. Calliope where it was stored until restored and relocated to T.S. Collingwood in 2020.

Tipping Point and Target Rock, Lizard Point, Marsden
The furthest extremity of Lizard Point is surmounted by a tapering pillar (navigation aid?). Just north of the Point is a grassy track descending towards the shore. A little north of the Point is a short length of stone wall, 3m long and 1m high. The pillar, known as ‘Target Rock’, (????) was used in the 1st World War as marker point for test firing along the coast. It is particularly visible at low tide. The wall is believed to be left over from Marsden Village – it may be the ‘tipping point’ for rubbish collected from Marsden Village by horse and cart. The horse and cart would reverse up to this wall and tip the rubbish onto the beach.

Trimmers Arms Public House, Commercial Road, South Shields
Opened in 1878 by the Victoria Brewery it was one of 38 pubs in the East and West Holborn area in 1897 now it is the only one left! The Trimmers Arms gets its name from the coal trimmers who would shovel the coal out so that it was evenly spread, and level and the ship was safe. It was a tough difficult job in dark and dangerous conditions. It was rebuilt in 1891 as displayed on the builder’s stone. The licence was refused in 1910 on the grounds of redundancy. Then it was a cafe and shop and in 2004 it re-opened by expanding into the West End Vaults next door, it is still open now.

Trinity Towers Memorial Rockery, Lawe Road, South Shields
Trinity Towers was built in 1810 by the Master and Brethren of Trinity House. It was used as a pilots’ look out. The tower provided a good vantage point to see ships sailing towards the River Tyne. The anchor on the tower bore the motto in Latin DEUS DABIT VELA “God will give the sails”. It became the park keepers lodge in the late 1890s and then was used as a radar training station by South Shields Marine & Technical College students. It was demolished in 1969 and a rockery marks the site with the original anchor from the tower still on the side.

Tyne Dock Gut (Readhead’s Landing) Corstophine Town, South Shields
In 1865 Alderman John Readhead founded his shipyard John Readhead & Sons in South Shields, which built small cargo ships and colliers for clients the world over until the yard was closed in 1968. Various slipways and dry docks can still be seen today stretching from Tyne Dock towards the mouth of the Tyne. Protect cobbled lane.

Tyne Dock LNER Station Entrance and Railway Bridges (Former) Hudson Street / Boldon Lane, South Shields
Jarrow Docks Station, on the North Eastern Railway’s South Shields Branch, (SMR 2288). This station was opened c.1854 to serve the new Jarrow (later Tyne) Dock. On the 2nd edition OS mapping it has expanded and been renamed Tyne Dock Station. The original station was built by the Brandling Junction Railway Company, it was rebuilt in the 1880s by the North Eastern Railway. Remnants of the original LNER station at Tyne Dock and railway bridges over Hudson Street and Boldon Lane are on the Local List.

Tyne Dock War Memorial (Readhead’s Shipyard) Corstophine Town, South Shields
First World War Memorial. Plaque 1914-18. The plaque, which is 3 feet 10 inches high and 5 feet 5 inches wide, bears at its right ‘the winged figure of Peace furling the flag of war’ which stretches almost across the top of the plaque. In her left hand Peace holds the palm of victory, and contemplates the panel bearing the names. Inscription: 1914-1919 reads ‘As a memorial to the employees of the West Docks who gave their services and also to the immortal memory of those employees named who fell in the Great War this tablet is erected by James Redhead Esp., Chairman and Managing Director’. The plaque was commissioned by Messrs. John Readhead & Sons, shipbuilders. Formerly located at Readhead’s Shipyard, Tyne Dock, in the headquarters of the Ship Repairers. Now located on the opposite (west) side of its original location in Corstorphine Town. (?????? Now at Harton Quay)

Unity Hall, 71 Mill Dam, South Shields
German Protestant Church or Unity Hall. A handsome building of 1908. Brick with ashlar dressings and now truncated corner spire. Red brick building with a Gothicised vertical form. Assymetrical gable and bell tower. Stone mouldings and quoins. There is a narrow flat-roofed 4 storey front extension with a vaulted stone doorway which compliments the character of the original building. Now in residential use. This red brick building is the opposite bookend to that of the Mission of Seafarers. Its strong Gothicised vertical form with asymmetrical gable and bell tower are emphasised by a high first floor tracery window. Stone moulding and quoins contribute to its authentic character, which various alterations (including a narrow flat-fronted front extension with a vaulted doorway) have generally preserved.

Venue, The 10 Mile End Road, South Shields
The corner plot on Mile End Road and Ocean Road served as a Victorian residence at one time. It featured an impressive portico and railed garden, which were lost alongside a number of other Victorian gardens when Ocean Road was widened. The site was taken up in the 1890s by Farquhar Laing, a Corbridge man, and 10 Mile End Road was opened as The Royal Hotel (now The Ship and Royal). In 1891 Laing went on to build a function room on waste ground to the rear (Stanhope Street). Designed by architect J H Morton, it was connected to the Hotel by passages and became known as the Royal Assembly Hall, a sumptuous centre of Victorian and Edwardian society. Built in the Italian Renaissance style, it incorporated a ballroom and stage for an orchestra, which was adapted for use by touring vaudeville and circus shows. There were two entrances, one on Ocean Road and the other on Mile End Road. They both led to the auditorium at the rear and were connected to it via small bridges over a narrow alley. In 1920 the building was purchased by Messrs Black and was adapted at great expense for use as a cinema, incorporating many of the original architectural features such as the grand staircase. It was opened as the Scala Cinema in 1922. The entrance in Ocean Road had a most imposing facade above the entrance hall, which contained an entrance lounge and cafe. There were two further cafes on the second floor, access to which was by the grand staircase. This also gave access to the bridge to the other side of the alley where the Scala Cinema was situated. The cinema was re-named Gaumont in 1951. The entrance from Ocean Road was closed in 1960 and turned into a furniture store, Granthams. This was taken over later by Leveys, which is now closed. The Gaumont was disposed of to the Brent Walker chain of cinemas in 1975 and re-named the Focus Cinema. It was eventually taken over by an independent and re-named Regal Cinema. The building was converted into a 3-screen cinema in 1980, providing seating capacities for 329, 74 and 74. This was a shortlived venture as the Regal Cinema closed on 26th June 1982. The building became a bingo club and amusement centre in 1984 and has since been converted into a nightclub, going through several owners and name changes; The Venue, Masons, Coyote Wild and Vibe. The building remains largely vacant, apart from weekend use as a bar. The building had fallen into serious disrepair due to years of neglect and the current owners had to replace the roof, the condition of which had led to water ingress and rotting timbers. Much of the facade of the building was re-pointed. Sadly any original internal features have been lost over the building’s long and colourful history. However, the building is sound and no longer in any imminent danger thanks to the swift intervention of the current owners.

Victorian Pillar Box (Market Place) Market Place / King Street, South Shields
This pillar box has the two letters V and R nearly linked on the front, identifying it as Victorian. This post box originally stood outside Crofton’s, which was destroyed in a WWII air-raid.

Vigilant Public House, 165 Sunderland Road, South Shields
Built between 1925 and 1930 when Harton Village was assimilated into South Shields. It replaces a public house that pre-dates 1900. This red brick building is located on an important landmark corner opposite St Peter’s Church.

Wapping Street Railway, Wapping Street, South Shields
Info compiled by Les Snaith: “With the demolition of houses in Wapping Street and Shadwell Street, there were plans to run a railway line from the station down a steep incline beside the turntable then along the riverside in Wapping Street to serve the docks and related industries, then on to link up with the TIC Line at Littlehaven. The line was installed in 1939 and ran up the bank on the left close to the River Drive Bridge. A connection to the LNER was to have been installed in 1940 yet amazingly given the strategic potential, wartime conditions prevented this and the line was never used.” Correction: Terry Ford has noted that the railway was actually used for a “mobile crane […] and would have been installed for factory use.

Waterfront Public House, 9 and 11 Mill Dam, South Shields
Well-detailed dark blue painted shopfront with clock. The brickwork, shaped gables and heavy entablature decorations over the upper level windows are high quality. Venetian windows in front gables. Formerly called The Railway Inn. The impressive scale of the Waterfront PH dominates the first range of buildings along Mill Dam Road. Each storey is progressively taller than the next, giving it impressive proportions. Its well-detailed, dark blue painted shopfront is a very distinctive feature, allowing it to retain its essential verticality following more recent alterations. The building’s brickwork, shaped gables and heavy entablature decorations over the upper level windows (including paired columns and Venetian windows in the front gables) are interesting and high quality. The clock is an important historic feature (and, apparently, there was also once a clocking-in machine inside the building).

Westoe Colliery Shaft (Remains) Westoe Crown Village
Westoe Colliery opened in 1909 it was owned by the Harton Coal Company. It was modernised in 1957. Sinking of the new 1600-foot Crown Shaft started in August 1959 and completed in December 1961 and a new tower was built at the surface. In 1980 over 2,500 people worked there. It closed in May 1993 and the tower was demolished in April 1994. The site is now occupied by houses and is called Westoe Crown Village named after the colliery shaft. Westoe Colliery as one of the largest and important employers in the town had great economic, social and political importance and was a massive loss to the town.

Westoe Methodist Chapel, Birchington Avenue / Oxford Street, South Shields
First opened in 1906 (Shields Gazette, 09/2022)
Westoe, The Public House Horsley Hill Road, South Shields
In 1872 the License was transferred from the Three Mariners just along the alleyway at the side of the pub called Salter’s Trod. The Westoe Hotel opened on Monday 23rd December 1872 an advert stated: “It commands fine views of the harbour, piers and docks.

Westovian Theatre (Pier Pavilion Theatre) Pier Parade / Sea Road, South Shields
The Pier Pavilion started out as a rain shelter. The then South Shields Corporation, at the instigation of Alderman Gompertz, converted the old Sea Side Shelter in Pier Parade into a small community theatre in 1948, to mitigate the loss of the Queens, which had been destroyed by bombing, in 1941. The Pier Pavilion was opened on Whit Monday 1949 and for the next few years presented seasons of Repertory and Concert Shows. The theatre has since been through many changes, including recent modernisation.

White Horse, Marsden Craggs / Quarry Lane, Marsden
Dates late 1880s.There are many stories about the white horse but the following account, taken from South Shields: A History of the Town and its People, is thought to be the most likely: Whitburn nobleman Sir Hedworth Williams and his wife would go riding along the beach at Marsden and picnic at a spot near Darding Lake. But one day Sir Hedworth had to leave on business so Lady Williams went out on her white mare alone. She was seen galloping towards Marsden Rock, which was then attached to the mainland and was last spotted riding into an opening in the rock. Search parties found no trace of her but Sir Hedworth carried on looking for two years until he accepted that the tide must have carried out both the bodies of his wife and her horse out to sea. Heartbroken, he lost all interest in his estate and gave all his horses to an ostler, Wareham, and his money to his gamekeeper, Peter Allen, who later became tenant of the Marsden Grotto. The Williamson family gradually faded out of the scene, but while Peter Allen made money at the Grotto out of visitor’s curiosity about Lady Williamson’s disappearance, Wareham thought of a more fitting tribute. As a memento to his former master’s kindness, he scratched out a white horse with tar and limewash for all to remember. Alternative stories for the origin of the horse can be found in the Cleadon Village Atlas.

Woolworth Building (Former) 100-108 King Street, South Shields
Site of Woolworths store (built 1921) that fell to an air raid on 2nd October 1941. Presently vacant. (???? Peacocks)

WWI Slipway, South Groyne, South Shields
A timber and iron bolted ramp can be observed between the Groyne and South Pier. The timbers are the size of railway sleepers. This was a World War One flying boat (seaplane) ramp used to aid planes out of the sea onto a parking area below the Lawe top. Formal possession of the land was sought from the Director of Works to the Admiralty under the powers of the Defence of the Realm (Consolidated) Regulations, 1914. The request included the construction of a Royal Naval Seaplane Station. Concern was raised by the Member for the Borough, Mr C.A. Cochrane, regarding these powers under which, if the Seaplane Station was to be permanent, the public would be deprived of the recreation and enjoyment of the sands, and no amount of loss which they could prove could adequately compensate South Shields for being deprived of its use. South Shields was a Seaplane Station, Repair Depot and Acceptance Depot during World War One. It had a sub-station at Tees Bay/Seaton Carew. The station occupied 21 acres and included five Type F seaplane sheds each 200 x 100 feet. The station was active from April 1916 until 1919. It was probably attached to the No. 10 Kite Balloon Base. Noted as buried under sand but still over 1m high in places during a 2013 watching brief at Little Haven.

Wyvestowe Lodge, Sunderland Road, Westoe Village
Baroque revival style. Spatially complex and brimming with decoration. Has a Turkish dome. Mid to late Victorian. Large villa in ample grounds with mature trees. Influenced by the Arts & Crafts style. Brimming with architectural features such as bays, hips, domes, dormers, leaded glass, ornate joinery, overhanging eaves, half-timbered gables, shaped chimneys. Dark red dappled brick with sandstone details. Welsh Slate roof.

Yemeni Boarding House, Brunswick Street, South Shields
The original houses date from at least 1856. The building itself appears to have been used for accommodation for police constables, and the yard used to host prison cells. After that, it became the last Arab boarding house in the area.” “There have been Arab boarding houses in South Shields since 1894. South Shields had one of the largest Yemeni communities in the country and the majority of them were merchant seamen. An estimated 700 Yemeni sailors from South Shields lost their lives in World War One. In 1920 there were at least 8 Arab boarding houses. Ahmed Ali Hussein opened this boarding house in 1945.The boarding house would offer the seamen assistance in securing their next ship, money if the men ran out and advice if they needed any kind of help. The boarding house was still used by Yemeni men until the 2000 as a place to meet, eat, play cards and dominoes, it played a vital role in keeping the Yemeni community together. It has appeared in several books including ‘From Taiz to Tyneside’.by Richard Lawless and “The Last Of The Dictionary Men” by Mathew Kipling, Tina Gharavi, and Youssef Nabil. It was the topic of a short film by Tom Mcgorrian shown on BBC in 1992. Peter Fryer and David Campbell produced a documentary called “The Boarding House” based on this boarding house in 2009. It is the last of the Arab boarding houses and it is still in use as a boarding house, but these are now largely Indian marine students.

Terry Ford
Information from South Tyneside Council’s website: