South Shields Local History Group

About Us

Welcome to the South Shields Local History Group website.

The group was founded in 2006 by individuals with an interest in the history and development of South Shields, to provide opportunities for others to meet, to learn and to share their knowledge.


Talks are usually held on the third Monday of the month, at Cleadon Park Library, South Shields. Members meet from 5.15 pm to 6.45 pm. There is a £1 charge per talk for non-members. There is no talk in December. See the separate Talks sections for future talks. Just turn up on the night.

Informal Talks

These are usually held on the first Monday of the month, at Cleadon Park Library, South Shields. Members meet from 5.15 pm to 6.45 pm, Room A, at Cleadon Park Library, the Primary Healthcare Centre, NE34 8PS, The Nook, South Shields.


Membership is £5 annually due in June, just pay at the table near the entry door when a talk or meeting is scheduled.

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